Business research as a tool for the development of new products and services


  • Cesar Gerardo Arroyo Matarrita Universidad San Marcos


Business Research, New Products, Services, Marketing


The purpose of this document is to answer the following topic “Business research as a tool for the development of new products and services”, which is part of the activities of the research month at Universidad San Marcos, San José, Costa Rica.
The competitiveness of the fourth industrial revolution that companies face today, pressures them to look for alternatives to obtain priority information in an urgent, technical and systematic way to make decisions that favor the formulation of marketing strategies and be more efficient than their competitors, by offering products and services that truly respond to your needs and desires.
Market research has been presented as a development of training for managers, students to achieve business efficiency, however, it is not achieved in the commercial environment, the strategic form by managers still exists prejudices about its usefulness in companies, Since many times companies start commercial processes in the opposite way, first they enter the market to see what happens and then, if they have a budget, they carry out relevant market research.



How to Cite

Arroyo Matarrita, C. G. (2024). Business research as a tool for the development of new products and services. Revista Académica Institucional, 5(1), 1–7. Retrieved from



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