
a choice of growth for your business


  • Arturo Azofeifa Céspedes


Management, Economy, Marketing, Digital marketing


Social networks have become a great option to advertise the services or products of the companies, big budgets are not always required to have a very good presence business in íhe media, neither is need to be expert in the digital marketing. With a little effort and the necessary minimum knowledge benefits of different nature in the very short term can be, provided is you spend the time necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages that are put to the scope in a world each time more small and connected thanks to them new technologies. Know these resources technology may mean the growth or the disappearance of some business.



How to Cite

Azofeifa Céspedes, A. (2022). Marketing:: a choice of growth for your business. Revista Académica Institucional, 1(1), 23–40. Retrieved from